Pollard Protests Abandonment of People of Gush Katif

Justice4JP Release - November 9, 2005

Esther and Jonathan Pollard participated in a massive demonstration held last night in front of the Prime Minister's residence in Jerusalem. The event was organized by the expellees of Talmon to protest the Government's continued abandonment of People of Gush Katif.

Over half of the expellees remain unemployed and thousands of families remain homeless or in deplorable temporary lodgings since their homes, business and lives in Gush Katif were destroyed by the Government of Ariel Sharon last August. Since the expulsion, according to speaker after speaker at the demo, not a single family has received any financial compensation whatsoever.

When Jonathan Pollard heard about plans for the demonstration, he asked his wife to change the Usual wording on their Pollard posters and to attend and show their support. Esther Pollard is pictured below addressing the crowd at the demon while holding a Pollard poster which reads:

"Jonathan Pollard: I am with you, People of Gush Katif!"

Esther told the crowd that years ago Jonathan warned that a government which is capable of abandoning one agent is capable of abandoning the entire nation. One look at what has happened to the People of Gush Katif shows how prescient he was.

Esther also pointed out that the Pollard case is a paradigm for the treatment of the People of Gush Katif. She noted that the abandonment of Jonathan Pollard has taken place in full view of the nation for 20 years. All of Jonathan's rights as a citizen and an agent -- medical, financial and legal -- have been callously withheld, she said, and as a result, she too is homeless.

Esther Pollard called upon the People of Israel to take strong steps to force the Government of Israel to fulfill its responsibilities to the People of Gush Katif, and to stop treating loyal citizens like disposable objects and charity cases.

  • See Also: 81 Days Without A Home