Electrifying event at Mearat HaMachpela!

Justice4JPNews Brief Report - September 14, 2011

Electrifying event at Mearat HaMachpela! Prayer session with Esther Pollard wildly successful! An overflowing crowd of 600 women crowded the full main room at Mearat HaMachpela (swamping both the men's and women's section and outer perimeter) to hear Esther Pollard speak. Pollard gave an update about her husband's condition and then about the power of public prayer, the mystical meaning of a public "amain" and the on-going role of the Avot in facilitating prayers for Am Yisrael. She then led the crowd in special prayers. There was a compelling, fiery unity to the prayers and when they were over, all of the women broke into spontaneous unified song, which was followed by tehillim, and a lively, soul-stirring musical interlude with Odelia at the Gutnick Center at the foot of the Mearah. This was a once-in-a lifetime event! Amazing! Yashar Koach to Nadia Matar, Yehudit Katsover and Women in Green for organizing this moving event!

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