Pollard for settlement freeze

Yael Kuriel - Fox News - September 20, 2010

According to Israel's Army Radio there is a new initiative to secure the release of Jonathan Pollard (serving a

life sentence

in US prison for spying for Israel) in return to the extension of the settlement freeze.

Political source at the PMO said the initiative based upon the belief that many right wing ministers opposing the settlement freeze would find the release a remedy, though painful, to the settlement freeze extension.

According to the Army Radio, the Israeli source submitted the request to the US administration. The American response was not available.

Dani Dayan, head of Yesha Council (settler's organization) was quoted as saying

"This is an ugly blackmail. No one wants Pollard's release more then we do, but we understand that accepting such a deal can harm Israel's vital interests"

A source at the Prime Minister office told Fox News on condition of anonimity, they will not comment on the issue.

Jonathan Pollard was convicted in 1987 for espionage and is serving a life sentence in the US. Previous attempts to release him faced objection both by US presidents and head of CIA.

View original article.

J4JP Disclaimer

Jonathan Pollard's opposition to gaining his freedom at the expense of more Jewish blood being spilled (by the release of terrorist murderers or by the uprooting of Jews from the Land in any form) is well known. Therefore J4JP's posting the above news item should not be misconstrued as endorsement of the Pollard-for-a-Freeze-Extension proposal. This proposal calls upon the US to prove its own commitment to the peace process by freeing Jonathan Pollard in return for the three-month extension of the building freeze the US is demanding Israel implement when the current freeze expires on 26 September. The logic is impeccable: it posits that an offer by the US to free Pollard in exchange for an extension of the building freeze is an offer which Israel could not refuse.