Letters are "oxygen" for Jonathan Pollard

J4JPnews - Updated May 25, 2009

Disappointed in Netanyahu...again? Still waiting on Obama? Disgusted with out-going Bush? Furious with Olmert, Livni and Barak -- and of course the treacherous Rafi Eitan? Unhappy with the situation? Long to see Jonathan home? Still working for his release and also praying hard? Please write to Jonathan today. Share with him how you are feeling.

It means a lot to Jonathan to read with his own eyes and feel with his own heart, just how much the people are with him at this heart-breaking time. We know of the massive support that is out there because of the volume of emails we are receiving. Although J4JP has been receiving a flurry of emails and comments, unfortunately telephone time for sharing them with Jonathan is very limited. We urge all of our friends and supporters to take pen in hand and write to Jonathan.

Jonathan has always referred to the letters he receives as his "oxygen". Let's keep the life support line open!
Write today. Regular mail only, please. No emails, no fax permitted.

Feel free to share a copy of your letter with J4JP by email and we will (with permission) share some of the letters with our readers to comfort and inspire them as well. Please do share this message with others who may not be receiving our emails -- family, friends, shul bulletins, and other lists. Thank you and G-d bless!

Here is Jonathan's address:

Jonathan Pollard #09185-016
c/o FCI Butner
P.O. Box 1000
Butner, NC
U.S.A 27509-1000

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