Urgent! Come to Ma'arat HaMachpela October 10, 2005
Massive Prayer Rally for Jonathan Pollard
Sponsored by HaRav Mordecai Eliyahu, shlita

Justice4JP Release - October 7, 2005

HaRav Mordecai Eliyahu shlita, Rishon LeTzion and former Chief Rabbi of Israel, has called for a massive prayer rally for Jonathan Pollard with Selichot Prayers for this coming Monday evening,10 October 2005, to be held at Ma'arat HaMachpela (The Cave of the Patriarchs) in the holy city of Hebron. [Details follow the text of this announcement.]

Transportation in secure vehicles will leave Jerusalem from Binyanei HaUma constantly from 9 to 10 PM; and Bnei Brak from Rechov Akiva at 9 PM.

In a recent letter to Esther Pollard Rav Eliyahu wrote:

"After all of the efforts I have made, and others have made, whether here in the Land or abroad to free your husband Jonathan, (May his light shine bright), it appears to me that the only thing to do is to hold a massive prayer rally at the Kotel HaMaaravi (or at Maarat HaMachpela in Hebron) and turn to the Creator of the World to pray for him, that we should merit to see you and Jonathan here in Eretz Yisrael building your home.

We should not rely on officials such as these or others. We must turn to the One Who Resides On High and with our prayers tunnel a channel beneath His Throne of Glory so that the voice of our prayers to free the one who has done so much for Am Yisrael will be heard.

May it be His will that you and Jonathan will yet this year merit to be in the Land and build your family here in Eretz Yisrael! Amain ken yihi ratzon!"


Click here

to see the original Hebrew text of this letter.]

Here are the details of the massive prayer rally for Jonathan Pollard which has been called by HaRav Eliyahyu:


    : Massive Prayer Rally for Jonathan Pollard and Selichot Prayers

  • DATE
  • : October 10, 2005 - (7th of Tishrei)

  • : Ma'arat HaMachpela, Hebron

  • Time
  • : 11 PM

  • Transportation in Secure Vehicles:
  • Jerusalem

    (30 NIS return trip)
    Buses from Binyanei HaUma constantly between the hours of 9 and 10 PM

    Bnei Brak

    (40 NIS return trip)
    From Rechov Rabbi Akiva (near Dubek) at 9 PM

  • See Also: Hebrew Text: HaRav Eliyahu's Letter to Esther Pollard