Poem: Shafts of Light

For Jonathan Pollard by Mindy Aber Barad - August 7, 2003

Thin shafts of light
Stream through his tiny window
Pick their way through the bars
He wishes with that ease
He could just slip out

Today we are rallying
For him
Around the world
Thin shafts of light
Joined together
Flashes of protest
From all four corners

Corners of his room
Close in on him
When he is depressed
But today corners and walls
Melt into the light
And freedom hovers
Just outside his window

J4JP Note:

Mindy Aber Barad is a published poet living in Jerusalem. She wrote this poem in honor of Jonathan Pollard on his 49th Birthday, August 7, 2003. It was presented to Esther Pollard at the Protest March and Demonstration August 5, 2003.

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