Response to the Palm Beach Jewish Times

May 2, 1996 - Mrs. Patty Lacombe

The Editor
Palm Beach Jewish Times
Palm Beach, Florida

Dear Editor,

Carol Pollard doesn't get it!

On a recent trip to Florida, our family came across your newspaper and the front-page article "Passion for Pollard" (April 19, 1996)

Major American newspapers have reported that Jonathan Pollard has repeatedly asked his sister to disassociate herself from his case. Some have referred to letters written by Jonathan's attorneys threatening to take legal action if she didn't cease all activities related to her brother's case. Several newspapers (beginning with the Hebrew daily "Ma'ariv" last fall) have publicized the recent Justice Health Department psych report on Jonathan Pollard. According to that report, Jonathan is not only healthy and sane but quite brilliant, and fully in command of the campaign to secure his release. (details are available from Citizens for Justice, Canada)

But Carol Pollard just doesn't get it.

Instead of withdrawing, as she has been asked to, she is redoubling her efforts to

oppose her brother!

Carol's own words betray her. If the only contribution she can make towards her brother's release is to attack his choice of strategies, call into question his sanity, and attack his authorized spokespersons - his wife, Esther, and his attorney, Larry Dub - then it is easy to understand why Jonathan Pollard has totally disassociated himself from her.

What is difficult to understand is why Carol Pollard's rantings merit front page coverage in your newspaper while

none of the substantial issues of the case have been addressed!

Jonathan Pollard continues to languish in prison in the 11th year of the longest, harshest sentence meted ever out for a similar offence in the entire history of the United States. Or doesn't that matter anymore?