Congressman Benjamin Gilman Calls for Commutation

Congress of the United States
House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515-3222

December 7, 1992

The President
The White House
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Mr. President:

I deeply regret that current events will preclude our continuing to work together. The past twelve years have brought about many changes, most particularly the end of the Cold War. Your foresight and leadership over these years are greatly appreciated, and your substantial contributions have helped change history forever.

During these final weeks of your administration, I would like to bring to your attention a serious matter which I believe deserves your personal consideration and action. After carefully reviewing the facts in the case of Jonathan Pollard, I believe that a commutation of his sentence is in order. It is my understanding that you have been contacted about this by many individuals, among them Elie Wiesel and Pat Robertson.

While Jonathan Pollard committed serious violations, I believe that our justice system should be uniformly fair. Jonathan Pollard was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole, while others, sentenced on similar charges, have received less severe sentences, with eligibility for parole. Therefore, I am enclosing some information for your review.

Jonathan Pollard's conviction may be justified, but his sentence is not. Accordingly, I urge you to use your authority to commute Jonathan Pollard's sentence to time served by granting him a presidential pardon.

With best wishes,


Benjamin A. Gilman
Member of Congress