CCAR Urges Support for Jonathan Pollard

Central Conference of American Rabbis
Office of the Executive Vice President

Memo - June 7, 1992


We are asked to communicate with President Bush asking for commutation of Jonathan Pollard's sentence. This is in the light of the astounding decision of an appellate court, which unanimously agreed that the Government perpetrated a fundamental miscarriage of justice in its false dealings with Pollard. However, two of the three justices (both Jewish, God help us) would not grant the request for a new trial on the technicality that Pollard should have requested it sooner! The non-Jewish dissenting judge was adamant that there had been a "miscarriage of justice". The majority two also expressed reluctance to offer an opinion on the life sentence handed to Pollard by Judge Aubrey Robinson of DC, who an hour before sentencing in 1987, had received an unprecedented, hand delivered letter from Caspar Weinberger, Secretary of Defense, demanding the stiffest possible sentence. And we are told on reliable source that Judge Robinson was also inflamed by "leaks" that Israel had provided South Africa with nuclear capability, and somehow Pollard was implicated in that whispering.

Scores of Jewish organizations, local and national, including the four national rabbinic organizations and Religious Action Center, I am pleased to say, are on record on this request, and many of us are on an amicus brief. There is no question being raised about Pollard's guilt. At issue are: a) the treachery and b) the flagrant misbehavior of the Government.

So let us appeal to the President of the United States, who knows full well what is going on and might see some political gain, or even some fairness in ending this brutal insanity.

If you want a full description of the case from inception to now, we will be happy to send it. On the reverse side is a letter from Jonathan Pollard which states the case accurately and eloquently -and prophetically. Write the President and ask others to also. All Good wishes.


Signed: (Rabbi) Joe Glaser
Executive VP CCAR